Hello Members current and lapsed.
WSAA is looking for board members to lead the organization for the next year in promoting archery across the state. The board positions do not take up much time throughout the year. The main time commitments are during the state tournaments and attending one hour online meetings up to four times a year.
President – Presides over all WSAA meetings and is the face of the WSAA. Answers questions and concerns of members and the public. The position does not require much time but being able to respond to comments is critical.
Vice President – Is the backup for the President and assists him in his duties. Is also the governing officer at the state tournaments.
Vice President of Bowhunting – Is responsible for the bowhunting duties for the WSAA, including the small and big game office, and promotes the views of hunting with a bow.
Secretary/Treasurer – Is responsible for the administrative end of the organization. Some of these duties include managing the facebook page, making flyers for events, ordering supplies and sending out plaques. All these duties have been simplified by using Google Drive. Everything is organized and already created to simplify these tasks.
State NFAA Director – shall perform the duties outlined in the NFAA constitution.
To nominate yourself please fill out this form. We will take nominations up until July 1st and then will open it up to voting for 2 weeks.
Some of you may have participated in the survey we held this year. I wanted to share with you some of the highlights.