• Cheyenne Field Archers will host the State Vegas on January 22-23, 2022 – Cheyenne
  • Pronghorn Archers will host the State Blueface on February 26-27, 2022 – Gillette
  • Lost Arrow will host the State Target on June 18-19, 2022 – Casper
  • Cody Archery Club will host the State Field shoot on July 9-10, 2022 – Cody
  • Cambria Bowhunters will host the State 3d on August 13-14, 2022 – Newcastle

Notes from the October Meeting can be found on the website

WSAA Board Meeting

WSAA held its first board meeting, since electing new officers, on Tuesday August 31, 2021. Minutes from this meeting can be found on this website. WSAA board is seeking club representatives to attend the next board meeting on Tuesday October 12, 2021. We will be discussing and setting shoot dates. Currently we are looking for clubs that would be interested in hosting any of the State shoots. Clubs must be chartered with NFAA/WSAA and current on the range inspection to host. We are looking for your help and input. Below are dates we are considering.

  • State Vegas – before the Vegas shoot
  • Sate Indoor – March 5-6
  • State Target – June 18 -19
  • State Field July 9-10
  • State 3D – Before September 1st

State 3D Results – 2021

Congratulation to all the winners. Thank you to everyone that shot the state tournament. BIG shout out to the Cambria Bow Hunters Club thank you for co-hosting the tournament.
Good Luck hunting this season.

Acting WSAA President

Michael Hoover

State 3D Results

August Update

2021 Wyoming State Field Championship results – I would like to Thank the Lost Arrow Archers , Neal Ruebush, Jim Toombs and Kray Lutz for ensuring we had a successful tournament.

The nominations for officers has closed and we will be sending out ballots soon.

Next State shoot is State 3D which will be held in conjunction with the Cambria bowhunters shoot in New Castle on August 13-15, 2021.  Hope to see you there.

Acting President – Michael Hoover

Shoot Straight

OPEN WSAA Officer Positions

Bill Heineke is working towards the end of being the president of WSAA. Mike Hover, WSAA Vice President, has decided to take nominations for the following positions:

President, Vice President and Secretary/Tresurer

NOTE: Nominations for WSAA Officers until Noon on July 31, 2021

Send nominations here.

Elections will be at a later date.

2021 Outdoor State Target shoot canceled

WSAA is sad to announce that the outdoor State Target shoot has been canceled for 2021, due to conflicts with other shoots in the area and the short notice for the host club.

See post for the State Field Shoot in Casper below.

2021 Wyoming State Archery Field Championships



JULY 31 2021


 Registration starts at 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

last group out at 9:00 AM

14 Field 14 hunter

28 Animals


Directions from Casper, Proceed south on Casper Mountain Road.  At the crest of Mountain, on your left, you will pass the Broken Spur Café.  Immediately following the café at the “Y” in the road, veer right and proceed southwesterly on paved road.  One quarter mile prior to Hogadon Ski area, turn left onto Micro road (dirt road).  Prior to a small housing development, you will veer left onto a two track road.  You will then travel thru a small drainage and at the top of hill, veer right at the “T” in the road.  Travel approximately one mile to the Robert Adams Archery Range.

NOTE: Nominations for WSAA Officers until Noon on July 31, 2021

Elections will be at a later date

Shoot Fees:

Pro Division: $50

Adult : $20

Young Adult/youth and Cub: $10

Family : $40

For more information please contact the following individuals

Michael Hoover  307-220-2325          [email protected]

Neal Ruebush  307-251-6468              [email protected]

[email protected]

Wyoming State Archery Association News 04-09-2021

Virtual Tournament 

No additional scores for the state mail-in 300 round championships 2021 have been received making the scores posted the final. Championship plaques will be mailed when the individual printed plaque labels are received.

Officer News

Bill Heineke, President, and Glenn Reed, Vice President of Bowhunting have approved Mike Hover from Cheyenne, Cheyenne Field Archers, to be the Vice President of the Wyoming Archery Association.

Bill will be staying on as President at least till end of April 2021. He has a few projects to finish including the Wyoming State Archery Association Indoor Championship 2021 work.

Mike Hoover as Vice President will assume chief administrative duties at the end of April. You may reach Mike by email or phone (307) 220-2325.

Will be filling soon open WSAA officer positions – Vice President, secretary, and treasurer positions.

The agenda of the Wyoming State Archery Association includes but is not limited to:

 (1) increasing the network and related communication with all Wyoming Archery Association Clubs. Clubs are invited to submit their contact information including e-mail address, websites, Facebook page, club officers, and phone numbers. Your club need not be an affiliate member club of the Wyoming State Archery Association to have this information posted. This information may be sent by email. Please make sure your submissions are accurate. The 28 mailings for the 2021 indoor tournament resulted in six being returned.

(2) informing clubs of the benefits of Wyoming State Archery Association club membership which includes having insurance coverage of your tournaments and co-hosting one the state championship shoots. Member clubs elect/appoint representatives to participate in the governance of the Wyoming State Archery Association. Make your voice heard. 

(3) informing individuals of the benefits of being a member of the state association including participation in state championship shoots, Bowhunters Honor Roll award, Youth and Adult Archer’s of the Year awards, and, if your state membership is through the National Field Archery Association, a bowhunter’s insurance policy.

Upcoming Shoots

If you have dates for your club shoots, please submit them by email. Again, this is done as a courtesy to all Wyoming Archery Clubs. Your club need not be an affiliate member for this listing on WSAA website.

Yours In Archery, Bill Heineke

Wyoming State Archery Association Indoor Target Championships


Wyoming State Archery Association Indoor Target Championships
(Must be member of Wyoming State Archery Association)

This is a virtual/mail-in tournament which may be shot at any range in Wyoming, Saturday March 6, 2021 and Sunday, March 7, 2021

Archers wanting to shoot the Wyoming State Target Championships may do so three different ways: (Both Scores may be shot the same day)

1. Download from Wyoming State Archery Association Website-Tournament Registration,  WSAA Membership Application (if not a member) and score cards . Archers need two other persons to witness score. Mail to Wyoming State Archery Association, P.O. Box 3246, Gillette, Wyoming, 82717
2. In-mail a request for Tournament Registration, WSAA Membership Application (if not a member) and score cards to Bill Heineke.
Be sure to include number of shooters so enough forms are sent to your address. You will receive the number of forms and a return stamped envelope addressed to Wyoming State Archery Association
3 . State Tournament Registration packets are being sent to clubs with requests to help with this process. Ask your club or archery range proprietor if they have received tournament information and will provide you with copies. This last option is a bit of a hit a miss as state archery range and club information looks to be limited